
Exam 77-424: Microsoft Access 2013
5.0 Create Reports
5.3 Format a Report: Format Headers and Footers


Share the Data:

Format a Report

5. Try it: Edit the Header

Go to Report Layout Tools ->Design.

Go on Header/Footer->Logo.
Select: Movies1.gif

OK, Try it: Format the Logo
Select the Logo. Edit the following Properties.
Size Mode: Zoom
Width: 1"
Height: 1"

Select the Title. Edit the following Properties.
Caption: Front Row Video

And Try This: Format the Table
Select the Table in the Detail section.
Go to
Report Layout Tools ->Arrange-> Position.
Edit the Control Margins: None
Edit the Control Padding: None

One More: Format the Page Setup.
Go to Report Layout Tools ->Page Setup.
Go to Page Layout ->Landscape.
Save the Report: rptMoviesCrosstab

Report Layout Tools ->Design->Header/Footer->Logo