Lesson 4: More Data, More Tables

Try This: Do the following steps

1. Open the Excel Spreadsheet: Brown Bag Products.xlsx

2. Use the Filter function to show only the records with the Specialty Gluten Free. How many Records do you see? Remove the Filter and close Excel.

3. Open the Brown Bag Lunch database you have been programming. Or you may download the sample database online:

Brown Bag Lunch ver4.accdb

4. Import External Data from Excel. Select the spreadsheet Brown Bag Lunch Products.xlsx.

5. Import the data into a new Table in the Current Database.

6. Select the Worksheet named Products.

7. Select that the first Row contains Column Headings.

8. Accept default settings for Field Options.

9. Name the table tblProducts. Finish the Wizard.

10. Use the Find command to find the Records with Ham.

11. Use the Filter to show only the items with the Specialty Gluten Free. How many Records do you see?

12. Remove the Filter.

13. Rename the ID field to. ProductID

14. Save the changes to tblProducts.


Test Yourself

1. Which types of files can Access import?

(Give all correct answers.)
A. IBM Mainframe system files
B. QuickBooks financial records
C. Microsoft Excel files
Tip: Beginning Access, page 85

2. Which are options for imported data?

(Give all correct answers.)
A. Import into a new Table
B. Append (add) records to an existing Table
C. Link to an external table
Tip: Beginning Access, page 86

3. Which are options for adding a Primary Key to imported data?

(Give all correct answers.)
A. Choose my own Primary Key
B. Let Access add the Primary Key
C. No Primary Key
Tip: Beginning Access, page 90

4. Access column headings have Filters by default.
A. True
B. False
Tip: Beginning Access, page 95

5. Which functions does an Access Table share with a spreadsheet?

(Give all correct answers.)
A. Find
B. Sort
C. Filter
Tip: Beginning Access, page 94, 95


Practice Activities