Practice Activities

Lesson 5: Form Design

Try This: Do the following steps
1. Open the Brown Bag Lunch database you have been programming. Or you may download the sample database Brown Bag Lunch ver5.accdb online.

2. Create a New Form with the Form Wizard. Use tblCustomers as the Record Source.

3. Select all available Fields for the Form.

4. Select the Columnar Layout.

5. Name the Title Customers. Select the option to open the Form to view or enter info. Finish the Wizard.

6. Add a new record to verify that the Form works.
Wordnation, Andrea Carter, 1275 Grand River Ave., Milford, MI, 48380, 248-555-6100

7. Go to Layout View. Select the Theme Hardcover.

8. Save the Form as Customers.

9. Create a second Form with the Form Wizard. Use tblProducts as the Record Source.

10. Select all available Fields. Select the Justified Layout.

11. Name the title Products. Select the option to open and enter information then finish the Wizard.

12. Add a new Record to test the Form.
Sandwich, Peanut Butter and Honey, Vegetarian, Peanut butter and Michigan honey on fresh bread.

13. Return to the Layout View. Select all of the Controls in the Detail Section and resize them so that the Width is 3".

Add the image Lunch1.gif  Resize the image to 2" x 1.5" and place it in the lower right corner of the Form.

14. Save the Form as Products.

15. Close the Brown Bag database and get some cookies.
