10. Add a Command Button that opens the Products Form.
Choose to show all Records.

11. Use the text Products on the Button. Name the button OpenProductsForm.

12. Edit the command button properties: Width 2” and Height 0.4”

13. Create a Command Button that opens the Customers Form.

14. Use the text Customers on the Button. Name the button OpenCustomersForm.

15. Edit the command button properties: Width 2” and Height 0.4”

16. For both the Products and Customers buttons, click on the On Click Event and edit the Embedded Macro with the 3-dot builder.  For OpenProductsForm and OpenCustomersForm close the Switchboard after the Form is opened. Don't Save.

17. Return to Form View and test each command button. Does the right Form open? Does the Switchboard close when the other Form opens?

18. On both the Products and Customer Forms, add a Home button that opens the Switchboard Form. Use the text Home on the Button and the name GoHome. For both the Products and Customers buttons, click on the On Click Event and edit the Embedded Macro with the 3-dot builder to close the Switchboard after the Form is opened. YES, Save the Form data.

19. Return to the Switchboard. Add a new Command Button that opens the Report Products by Type.

20. Use the text Products by Type on the Button. Name the button OpenProdbyTypeReport

21. Edit the command button properties: Width 2” and Height 0.4”

22. Add a new Command Button that uses the Quit App command.

23. Use the text Quit on the Button. Name the button QuitApp

24. Edit the command button properties: Width 2” and Height 0.4”


Lesson 6: Meet the Stars!

Try This: Do the following steps
1. Open the Brown Bag Lunch database you have been working on. Or, you may download BBL Int ver6.accdb.

2. Create a new Blank Form and go to Design View.

3. Add an Unbound Text Box. Use the Property Sheet to add the Control Source: =Now()

4. Apply Medium Date and set the width to 2”

5. Edit the Text Box label to say: Today’s Date.

6. Add a Logo in the Form Header.

Use the image: Brown Bag Logo.jpg. Edit the image properties:
Name: BBLunchLogo
Width: 1”
Height: 1”
Top: 0.25”
Left: 0.25”

7. Add a Label to the Form Header. Edit the following properties:
Name: Banner
Caption: Brown Bag Lunch Co.
Width: 4”
Height: .75”
Font Size: 24

8. Add a background image: Lunch1.gif

9. Save the Form as Switchboard.

Practice Activities