Practice Activity

Lesson 10: Report Design Options

Try This: Do the following steps
1. Open the Brown Bag Lunch database you have been working on. Or, you may download BBL Int ver10.accdb.
2. Open the Report Products by Specialty. Go to Design View.

3. Apply a Theme of your choice to the Report.

4. Modify the Theme by changing the following with colors of your choice:
Report Header back color
Fill color, outline color, and font (fore) color of the Report Header Label

5. Force a New Page after the Specialty Footer Section.

6. Add a background image: Lunch2.gif

7. Add Conditional Formatting to the Specialty column as follows:
Gluten Free has orange text
Vegetarian has green text
Low-Fat has pink text

8. Create a Macro that opens the Form Product Search. Name the Macro: ProductSearchForm.

9. Add a Command Button to the Report Header with the text Search Products. Use the Macro ProductSearchForm.

10. Change the Search Products button’s shape and apply a Quick Style of your choice.

11. Test the Command Button. Does it open the Product Search Form?

12. Save the Report.

13. Save and Close the database.
