Exam 77-428 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
3. Create Advanced Formulas
3.4 Create Scenarios: Use the Scenario Manager

A Different Scenario

Say you wanted to create a Scenario that changed everything: The Price, the Start and the Increment. The next couple of pages show how to add more than one reference cell.


1. Try it: Create a Different Scenario

The Scenario Manager is open.

Click on: Add


You will be prompted to fill in the blanks:

Scenario Name: Change Everything

Changing Cells: $B$1

You can click on Cell B1, the Price, or type the reference. This is an Absolute Reference.


Add More Cells to the Scenario:

With your cursor next to $B$1,

Type a comma (,) and add $B$2, the Start

Type a comma (,) and add $B$3, Increment


Click OK. Keep going...

Data -> Data Tools ->What-If Analysis -> Scenario Manager
