
Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
4. Create Advanced Charts and Tables
4.2   Create and Manage PivotTables: Modify Field Selections and Options (Display)

PivotTable Options: Display

3. Try it: Find the Totals & Filters Options

The PivotTable is still selected.
The Options are open. Go to the Display tab.

The Display options are shown:
In the Display section the default options are:
Show expand/collapse buttons
Show contectual tooltips (help stuff)
Display field captions and filter drop downs

You can select Classic PivotTable layout (the old way). You can also Show the Values Row.

In the Field List section the default option is to Sort in data source order. For example you could sort by the Categories in our little PivotTable.


That's enough for now.
Click OK to close the PivotTable Options.

Save your work.


PivotTable Tools ->Analyze-> PivotTable-> Options