Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
4. Create Advanced Charts and Tables
4.2 Create and Manage PivotTables: Create New PivotTables

PivotTable Fields

5. What Else Do You See? There are three parts to a spreadsheet: labels, data, and formulas. In this example the labels include Category, Service, Product, Date, Sales Rep and Amount. These labels will become the fields in the PivotTable.


PivotTables use fields to organize and calculate the rows and columns. These fields come from the labels in the first row (the header) in the spreadsheet.


Look for the PivotTable Field List on the right side of your screen. How do the fields compare to your labels?


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What If You Don't See It? The Field Headers can be turned on or off with the PivotTable Tools. If you don't see the Field List try this:

Go to PivotTable Tools ->Analyze.

Go to Show-> Field Headers.

PivotTable Tools ->Analyze-> Show-> Field List

