
Exam 77-428 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
4. Create Advanced Charts and Tables
4.3   Create and Manage PivotCharts: Edit PivotCharts (Filter the Data)

Filter the Data

Filters let you focus on key information. Say you wanted to analyze just the three new products. Here are the steps.


Before You Begin: Select the PivotChart or PivotTable, please.


5. Try This: Filter the Data

Go to the PivotTable.

Click on the Column Labels and use the Filter to select only:

Edible Fruit

Fruit and Veggies

Hot Platter

Click OK.

What Do You See, Now? The Computer Mama sez it is easier to compare a few products than the dozen or so products that were displayed on the previous page.


Memo to Self: This step is easy if you click off "Select All," first.