
Use the Slicers

So, How Do They Work? By default, Slicers display all of the data. If you click on a item in the Slicer the PivotTable and PivotChart will both be filtered. Here are the steps.

4. Try This: Use the Slicers

The PivotChart is still selected.

Go to the Category Slicer.

Click on a Slice: Corporate.

What Do You See?
The PivotChart and the PivotTable updated automatically.

Try This, Too: Arrange the Slicers
Select the Category Slicer.

Go to Slicer Tools->Options->Arrange.
Click on Bring Forward.

Now, when you click on any item in the Product Slicer the PivotChart will show which customer (grouped by Category: Corporate, Educational, etc) bought that product.


Memo to Self: You can select more than one Item by holding the CONTROL key on your keyboard as you click on the items.

Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
4. Create Advanced Charts and Tables
4.2 Create and Manage PivotTables: Filter a Slicer


Slicer Tools ->Options ->Arrange->Bring Forward