
Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
5. Create Charts and Objects 
5.1 Create a Chart: Use Quick Analysis


Use Quick Analysis

Quick Analysis puts everything we learned in this book at your finger tips. You can use Quick Analysis to create Conditional Formatting, Charts, Total, Tables and even Sparklines. This is a useful tool.


1. Try This: Use Quick Analysis

Go to the Original Data spreadsheet.

Select a Range: A1:H71.


Look for the Quick Analysis Tool: You should see a small Wizard just outside of the Range of Cells you selected.


And Definitely Try This: Use Quick Analysis

Click on Quick Analysis.
Go to the Charts->Clustered Column.

What Do You See, Now?
A Column Chart should pop up and display your data.


OK, that works. Keep going...

Quick Analysis ->Charts ->Clustered Column