
Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
3. Create Advanced Formulas
3.2 Look Up Data with Functions: Data Validation

Data Validation: Try it

What Do You See? The Input Message has a title and little bit of help.


What Else Do You See? Cell A2 has a Drop-Down list.

6. Try it: Select a Name from the List
Go to Cell A2.

Select Brighton from the list.

Click TAB on the keyboard to go to B2.


Very good. Keep going...!



What If It Doesn't Work? There are two parts to testing a Drop Down list.

1. Can you see the list?

2. Can you click on an item in the list?


If you cannot see the list, then the name for your reference list is spelled wrong or you forgot to include the equals (=) sign in your Settings.


Data ->Data Tools-> Data Validation