Cell Alignment

Microsoft Excel has a robust set of tools for formatting the position of the data in the cell.


Before You Begin: Make Cell A1 Bigger

Please select Cell A1. Use the Column Header to make the Column wider. Use the Row Selector to make the Row taller.


3. Try it: Format the Alignment

Select Cell A1.

Go to Home->Alignment.


What Do You See? The Alignment options in the top row include:

Top Align

Middle Align

Bottom Align


The Alignment options in the bottom row are:

Align Left


Align Right.

OK, Do This: Align the Text

Go to Home->Alignment->Middle Align.
Keep going...

Brass Cash Register, Yesterdog, Grand Rapids MI circa 1890


Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
2. Create Cells and Ranges
2.2 Format Cells and Ranges: Modify Cell Alignment and Indentation





