Move Up or Move Down

You can reorganize the text with the Move Up and Move Down commands. As you edit the list in the Text Pane, the SmartArt Diagram will automatically update the Shapes.


4. Try This: Move the Items Up or Down

Select the SmartArt Diagram, first.

The Text Pane should be visible.

Select: Jonathan.

Go to SmartArt Tools->Design.

Go to Create Graphic.

Click on Move Down.




What Do You See? You can use Move Up and Move Down to place the list in the Text Pane in alphabetical order.


Keep going...



Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
5. Create Charts and Objects 
5.3 Insert and Format an Object: Edit the SmartArt Layout (Move Up/Down)

SmartArt Tools -> Design-> Create Graphic-> Move Down