Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
1. Manage and Share Workbooks
1.3   Manage Workbook Changes: Troubleshoot With Tracing (Trace Dependents)




Audit Your Work

You can double click on a cell to trace the references in the formula. Here is a better way to audit your spreadsheet.


1. Try This: Trace the Dependants

Select Cell B3.

Go to Formulas->Formula Auditing.

Click on Trace Dependents.


What Do You See? There are some useful tools for Formula Auditing:


Trace Precedents
Finds the cells that have an affect on the cell you selected


Trace Dependents
Locates the formulas that use this cell in their equations


Remove Arrows

Keep going...

Formulas -> Formula Auditing->Trace Dependents
