
Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
3. Create Advanced Formulas
3.3  Apply Advanced Date and Time Functions: Use Functions to Serialize Dates and Times (Month)

The MONTH Arguments

The purpose of the MONTH function is to read the date, figure out which month it is, and return a number for the month. In this example, the date is the Column A.


3. Try it: Edit the Serial_Number

Edit the Serial_Number: A2.

You should see a preview of the data to the right of the Arguments.
Click OK.

4. Try This, Too: AutoFill the Formula
Use the AutoFill handle to fill down this formula in Column F.

July is the 7th month in the year, as shown.

OK, that's an example of the MONTH function. Excel can also use Date functions with days.

Formulas->Function Library-> Date & Time->MONTH