Lesson 2: Piggy Goes to Market

Before You Begin: Download the sample file:

Brown Bag Sales Data 2013.xlsx


Try This: Do the following steps

1. Open the sample: Brown Bag Sales Data 2013.xlsx

2. Select Column E: Sort by Date.

3. Select Cell H1 and enter the label: UPPER

4. Select Cell H2 and create a Text Function that references Cell B2 and formats the Text as UPPER.

5. AutoFill the TEXT Function from H2:H69

6. Select Cell I1 and enter the label: CONCATENATE
7. Select Cell I2 and create a Text Function that combines Cell B2 and Cell D2.
Hint: You can use Row 2 to add the following ": "
8. AutoFill the TEXT Function from I2:I69.
9. Save this as YOUR NAME Piggy Practice.

Practice Activities

Test Yourself



1. Which of the following are Paste Special Options?

(Select all correct answers.)
a. Values
b. Formulas
c. Formats
d. Paste All
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 58

2. What does the Concatenate command do?
a. Combines the values of the selected cells
b. Concentrates and compresses the data
c. Filters the data
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 62

3. Which command changes the formatting so each word starts with an upper case letter?
a. Upper
b. Change Case
c. Proper
d. Sentence Case
Tip: Intermediate Excel, p 65

4. Which of the following are text functions?

(Select all correct answers)
a. Upper
b. Substitute
c. Concatenate
d. Sum
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 60-68

5. Excel can calculate the number of workdays between two given dates.
a. True
b. False
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 72

6. Excel can calculate the amount of time elapsed.
a. True
b. False
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 75

7. Which is the correct command for calculating payments on a car?
a. Formulas-> Calculate-> Car Payment
b. Formulas-> Financial-> Car Payment
c. Formulas->Function Library Financial-> PMT
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 79