
Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
3. Create Advanced Formulas
3.1 Apply Functions in Formulas: Use Nested Functions

Edit the Function Arguments

2. Try it: Create a Logical IF Function

The NESTED Function sheet is open.
Select Cell C2.  

Go to Formulas ->Function Libary->Logical.

Select a Function: IF.

The IF Function has a three Arguments:
Logical_test: B2>=10000
Value_if_true: .2 (That's point 2, OK?)
Value_if_false: 0 (That's a zero.)

The Formula result shows 0%. That makes sense: The amount in Cell B2 is only $3,500, which is less than 10,000.

Click OK.

Keep going, please.

Memo to Self: ">=" means Greater Than or Equal To.

Formulas ->Function Library-> Logical->IF