Test Yourself

1. Which of the following are fields for creating an Appointment?

(Give all correct answers.)
a. Subject
b. Location
c. Start Time
d. End Time
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 189

2. Outlook does not allow custom times, say 8:20am, to be used in Appointments.
A. True
B. False
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 189

3. How does the calendar date navigator indicate dates with an appointment?
a. Date is in red font
b. Date is in bold font
c. Date blinks
d. Date has no special formatting
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 191

4. Which of the following are true about Events. (Give all correct answers.)
a. An Event is an all day occurrence, without a start or end time
b. Events can be recurring
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 197

5. Which of the following is true about repeating an Appointment? (Give all correct answers.)
a. An appointment can be copied and pasted using the keyboard commands Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V
b. An appointment cannot be copied and pasted
c. An appointment can be copied and pasted using the commands on the Home Ribbon
d. An appointment can be set as a recurring appointment
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 194


6. Which of the following are true about Meeting attendees? (Give all correct answers.)
a. When attendees are added to a meeting, Outlook will E-mail an appointment to the attendees
b. A meeting request E-mail has buttons for attendees to automate responses, such as accept or decline
c. Attendee responses are tracked in both E-mail and the meeting Appointment
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 200-202

7. Which of the following are Attendee Options in Meeting Tracking? (Give all correct answers.)
a. Required Attendee
b. Tentative Attendee
c. Optional Attendee
s. Resource (Room or Equipment)
e. Other Attendee
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 204

8. A Meeting can only be forwarded to individuals, not to a Contact Group.
a. True
b. False
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 209

Application Question: You are scheduling a mandatory training session for several employees. What Appointment and/ or Meeting options would you use?