Test Yourself

1. Which of the following can be an attachment? (Give all correct answers.)
a. Word document
b. Excel spreadsheet
c. Presentation
d. Pictures
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 86

2. Which Ribbon has the command to add an attachment to an E-mail?
a. Options
b. Insert
c. Attachments
d. File
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 88

3. What does the paper clip icon on an E-mail represent?
a. The e-mail has been forwarded.
b. The e-mail has an attachment.
c. An attachment has been opened.
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 89

4. Which Ribbon has the command to add a Table?
a. Insert
b. Options
c. Format
d. Table Tools
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 91

5. Which are the SmartArt Ribbons?
A. Design and Format
B. Design and Layout
C. Options and Format
D. Options and Design
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 94

6. When applied a Theme also applies to the colors, fonts and effects of Tables and SmartArt
A. True
B. False
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 96

7. Which Ribbon has the command to add or remove Borders on a Table?
A. Format
B. Table Tools--> Format
C. Table Tools--> Design
D. Design
Tip: Complete Guide to Outlook, page 100


1. Open a new blank E-mail. Address it to yourself.

2. Add the text: Remaining Stock

3. Insert a Table that’s 3 columns by 3 rows.
Add the following data to the columns




Plush bear



Plush bear with hat




4. Apply a Table Style of your Choice
Put borders around the outside of the Table, but none between the rows or columns

5. Apply a Theme of your choice.

6. Add the picture of a bear to the E-mail

7. Create a new Word document with the text.
Clearance Sale!
Sell the last of the celebration bears!
Save the document as Bear Flyer.

8. Return to Outlook.
Attach the document Bear Flyer to your E-mail.

9. Send the E-mail.

10. Go to the Inbox to confirm.

Application Question: What are the benefits to using a picture with content, such as pictures in an E-mail? What are the benefits of using SmartArt in an E-mail?