
Exam 77-422: Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
1.0 Create and Manage Presentations
1.5 Configure and Present Slideshows: Annotate Slideshows


Presentation Tools

Watch your cursor as you move across the slide. You should see a white arrow that you can use to point and click. You can switch to a Laser Pointer, Pen or Highlighter if you wish.

The Pen and Highlighter can be used to annotate your slides with comments or gestures. The markings are called "inks."


3. Try it: Find the Pointer Options

Slide 2 is shown on screen.

Go to the Presentation Tools in the bottom left corner. Select the Pointer Options.

Select the Pen tool, please.
Circle the text on Slide 2 to make a mark.

Do This: Advance to the Next Slide
Click on the Right Arrow (Next).

Keep going...

Presentation Tools->Pointer Options