
Hello, PowerPoint

PowerPoint is part of the same Microsoft Office suite as Word, Excel, Access and Outlook. Each program has a purpose: Excel makes spreadsheets, Word edits documents, and PowerPoint makes slide shows. PowerPoint is just as rich as Word or Excel with many advanced options for pictures, videos, sounds, and animation. The tools are fun, effective and very creative.


PowerPoint is used by everyone who wants to speak to an audience.  A good show can make people look, listen, and learn.  Show them why your product or your method is better. That's what PowerPoint is supposed to do: tell the story.

Finding the Right Path

Look at the label in BOLD above the picture of the Start Menu on this page. This label is a method for writing down the path that your mouse travels. You will see these "bread crumbs" at the top of every image in our course.

Try This: Start PowerPoint 2013.
Go to
Click on
PowerPoint 2013.

When you start PowerPoint you will be prompted to choose a template.
Select a Blank Presentation.



Start ->PowerPoint 2013