Beginning PowerPoint Skill Test



12. Add a picture of your choice on slide 3.
a. Apply an Artistic Effect of your choice.
b. Crop the picture to a shape of your choice.
13. Add a new slide. Add the following quote to the content area:
Poetry is what gets lost in translation.
a. Format the Text Direction as Rotate 270 degrees.
b. Format the text box with a Gradient Fill of your choice
c. Add a picture of your choice.
d. Apply a Reflection picture effect of your choice.
14. Add a new slide. Insert Smart Art Organizational Chart
a. At the top, add the name Robert Frost
b. In the second box down add the text American Poet
c. Add the text Born 1873 and demote it one list level lower than American Poet
d. Add the following poem titles at the bottom level: A Patch of Old Snow, Stopping by the Woods, Mending Wall, and Nothing Gold Can Stay
e. Apply a Smart Art Style and color set of your choice
f. Change the Robert Frost shape to a different color than the rest of your Smart Art
g. Change the American Poet shape to be an oval shape.
15. Add a new section. Rename Section 2 as Poem
16. Reuse slides from the Stopping by the Woods presentation. Insert the first two slides and KEEP source formatting.
17. Save this file as Your Name Beginning PowerPoint Skill Test.
Please do the following steps:
1. Open a new blank presentation.
2. Add the Title: Robert Frost
3. Add the following facts about Robert Frost
    Born in 1874
    Died in 1963
    American Poet
    Won the Pulitzer Prize 4 times
    More than any other poet in history

4. Change the bullet points to a different shape.
5. Demote Died in 1963 one list level.
6. Demote More than any other poet in history one list level.
7. Format the font to a different color and font of your choice.
8. Format the line spacing to be 2.0.
9. Add a new slide.
a. Change the layout to Title Only.    
b. Add the following quote as the Title:
I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew.    
Writing a poem is discovering.
c. Add the subtitle: Robert Frost on Writing
d. Format the subtitle to be aligned left.
e. Format the Text Box with a Style of your choice
10. Apply the Theme Newsprint.
11. Add a picture of your choice on Slide 2.      
Apply a Picture Style of your choice.