Merge or Split Cells
When you design a form you can use a table to
control the layout. Forms can have both big and little
fill-in-the-blank boxes.
Before You Begin: Insert a blank row at
the bottom of the table.
Select Row 6.
Go to Table Tools->Layout.
Go to
Rows & Columns.
Click on Insert Row Below.
1. Try This: Select Two Cells
Select the first two Cells in the last Row. These
Cells are named Cell A7 and B7, where 7 is the last Row in this
example. Columns are A, B, C, and D... from left to right.
2. Try This, Too: Merge the Cells
Go to Table Tools->Layout->Merge.
Click on Merge Cells.
Good Practice: Select the cells that you
Merged and try to Split them.