AutoText, AutoCorrect and Other Fancy Mice Options

AutoText: Microsoft Office also notices common words and offers to fill them in for you. The most obvious example is the names of the months.


Try This: Play With the AutoText

What do you see as you type the word February?


AutoText also inserts formatted symbols. If you type (tm), Microsoft Office will format the text as a superscript.  If you type :) Microsoft Office will substitute a smiley face. It is the Computer Mama's understanding that the symbol next to the smiley face means SmartAss, which would be accurate for her.


AutoCorrect: Microsoft Office automatically corrects a long, long list of the most common spelling mistakes. Prove it to yourself. Type: hte and watch the letters when you press the space bar.

OK, Close this document. Do not Save.

Exam 77-418 Microsoft Word 2013
2.0  Insert Text, Paragraphs, and Sections
2.1  Insert Text and Paragraphs: Autocorrect





File ->Options ->Proofing ->AutoCorrect
