Save As a Template

2. Where Are You Saving It:

Select the Documents Folder on your Computer.


3. What Is The File Name?

Type a File Name: Charlotte FAX.


What Do You See?

The default file type is the new Word (.docx.) format.


Select Word Template from the extensive list of file types that Microsoft Office 2013 supports.

A Word Template is a .dotx file.


4. What Are You Going to Do?
Click Save, please.

After you save this template, please Close it. There should be no documents open in Word, now.


Keep going...



Exam 77-418 Microsoft Word 2013
1.0 Create and Manage Documents
1.1 Create a Document: Create New Documents Apply Templates

IMPORTANT: You need to save the Template in the Custom Office Templates folder. Otherwise, it will not be available when you go to File->New...


File ->Save As -> Word Template