In 1983, Microsoft Word was considered a word processor.
The text on the page was typed in just like a typewriter. The focus was
on typesetting and formatting fonts. Many of the line and paragraph formatting options in Word make sense if you know that they come from how typewriters counted lines per page. Fast forward to today. Most of the computermama's
students have never seen a typewriter! Everything is online: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). This lesson introduces several ways to publish and
share your work online, anytime.
So, Start Microsoft Word. When the Welcome page appears, open a new, Blank Document. What do you see, from the top of the screen? Is there a Home Ribbon? And the Insert, Design, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review and View Ribbons? Yes.
If your screen looks similar to the example on this page, then you are ready to begin.