Exam 77-428 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
3. Create Advanced Formulas
3.1 Apply Functions in Formulas: Logical Functions (And/Or)


Formulas ->Function Library ->Logical ->OR


Logical Functions: OR

The OR function answers True if ANY of the conditions are true. The OR function will only return FALSE if ALL of the logical arguments are FALSE. This is Conditional Logic.


1. Try it: Create a Logical Formula

Select Cell F1 and type: Little Pay in 60.

Select Cell F1 and format the label BOLD.


Select Cell F2.

Go to Formulas->Function Library ->Logical.

Click on OR.

What Do You See? Microsoft Excel will prompt you to fill in the Arguments.

Logical1: C2<60

Logical2: B2<5000

2. Try This: Fill Down the Formula
Select: Cell F2.
Autofill this equation to Cells F3:F5.
The answer should be TRUE or FALSE.