4. Rename Sheet 2: Grading Scale 5. On Sheet 3, create an HLOOKUP table for the Homeroom Teacher. Put the Class in Row 1 and the Teacher in Row 2. Enter the following information:
Students in the class of 2010 have Mr. Green.
Students in the class of 2011 have Mr. Plum.
Students in the class of 2012 have Mrs. White.
Students in the class of 2013 have Ms. Scarlett.
6. Rename Sheet 3: Homeroom Teacher.
8. On Sheet 1, use the HLOOKUP function in Column E to return the
appropriate Homeroom Teacher.
9. Rename Sheet 1 as Student Records
10. Save your work as YOUR NAME Sound Advice Practice.
Try This: Do the following steps
1. Open the spreadsheet:
Student Records.xlsx
2. On Sheet 2, create a VLOOKUP table with the following grading
scale. Put the Percentages in Colum A and the Letter Grade
in Column B.
3. Select the grading scale and Name the Range: GRADES. 0
E 62
D- 65
D 69
D+ 72
C- 75
C 79
C+ 82
B- 85
B 89
B+ 92
A- 100
A |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||