AutoCorrect Exceptions
There are
always exceptions to the rule. AutoCorrect can include a list of words
you do NOT want automatically corrected.
Try it: Review the Exceptions
If you are not already on this page, please...
Go to File->Options-> Proofing.
Click on AutoCorrect Options.
Go to the AutoCorrect tab.
Click on Exceptions.
What Do You See? Microsoft Word has a long
list of AutoCorrect exceptions. For example, the software is programmed
to skip the capital letters after common abbreviations such as abbr,
tbs., and tbsp.
Click CANCEL and return to the AutoCorrect window.
Memo to Self: AutoCorrect is a productivity tool. AutoCorrect quickly replaces "hte" with "the." However,
as with all programming, it is a good idea to review these corrections and confirm that they make sense.