Edit the Recipients List

6. Try This: Edit the Recipients List

After you select a spreadsheet (Sheet$1), you should see the Mail Merge Recipients.

By default, every name should have a check mark. You can use the check marks to select specific recipients. Each name with a check mark will be addded to the merged document when the Mail Merge is finished. 


The other options include:

Filter (choose one city or state)
Find duplicates
Find recipient.

This Mail Merge now has a real-time link from Microsoft Word to Excel. When you edit, sort, and filter the data here you are also editing the data in Excel.

Click OK. Keep going...

Exam 77-425 Microsoft Word 2013 Expert
3.0 Create Advanced References
3.3 Manage forms, Fields, and Mail Merge Operations: Edit Recipent List



Mailings -> Start Mail Merge -> Edit Recipient List